My work raises questions about environmental sustainability, juxtaposing ancient and modern cultural signifiers to ask how we might reverse the devastating impacts of modernity and globalisation to preserve our precious natural resources.

In terms of eroding and lost messaging: https://www.olivenetwork.org/Issue/three-enchantingly-painted-houses-in-the-lost-city-of-pompeii-are-finally-open-to-the-public-after-a-40-year-restoration-project/25212  (2) In terms of lost or losing traditions: https://www.olivenetwork.org/Issue/honeyland/25167   (3) My work communicates themes and messages to individuals and corporates to refocus on connecting with the planet:  https://www.olivenetwork.org/Issue/blackrock-joins-climate-action-100-to-ensure-largest-corporate-emitters-act-on-climate-crisis/25155



Gordon Ellis-Brown’s practice oscillates between social and environmental concerns ranging from ancient history to pop-culture, sustainability to space science; interests he credits to growing up in a seaside hotel in the 1970s, as well as childhood memories of American Westerns, the Apollo space missions and the unworldliness of television tropes broadcasting alien visitations. Inspired by the creativity and spirituality of pre-modern cultures, Ellis-Brown explores humanity’s connection to the natural world, revealing hidden connections between conflicting cultural traditions and belief systems.